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Riding Home: The Power of Horses to Heal (Fall Fund-Raiser)

Heart of Horse Sense invites you to an event focused on the horse-to-human connection and its powerful ability to heal trauma. Tim Hayes, author of "Riding Home" will offer his insights on how horses help humans heal, while horses from Heart of Horse Sense - and Veterans and others who work with them in equine-assisted therapy - will be present for demonstrations of the work they do. Delicious food, libations and music to set your toes tapping will be the backdrop for this celebration of the equine therapists that change lives.

Get Tickets HERE!

General Admission (Adult) $25/person
General Admission (12+) 10/person
General admission (under 12) Free   (but please "purchase" free tickets so we have accurate count of expected attendees)

October 13

Introductory Tours/Demonstration Saturday

November 10

Volunteer Orientation Training